All of my healing ceremonies can be done in person or as distance healing for the client no matter what part of the globe they are situated in. Healing can be sent to an individual in a similar way as to how a prayer is performed or other energy healing modalities. Depending on the person’s sensitivity, they may have sensations when the healing is being sent such as tingling or pulsing through the body.

Shamanic Extraction

Extraction is the technique of removing obstructions from the energy body called intrusions and implants that block the free flow of personal life force energy. This intrusion/implant does not belong in the body and may cause illness if left there too long. A Shaman with the help of their Spirit Helpers is guided to identify and remove the intrusions/implants. The client is then re-empowered with the removal of that obstructive energy.  Click here to book a session

Soul Retrieval

Soul loss is a spiritual and psychological illness where a part of soul, or core essence of a person, splits off. This happens as a way of self-preservation and protection from some sort of trauma in this lifetime or in previous lifetimes.  These lost pieces split off during transitions, traumas, divorce, abuse, or other life events that may leave them feeling as though they’ve lost a part of themselves.  Symptoms of soul loss may be depression, addictions, numbness, a weakened immune system or frequent illness, and inability to fully live life and feeling empty inside. Soul retrieval re-unites these soul parts back with the client. Click here to book a session

Restore Personal Power/Animal Spirit

Shamanic cultures believe that everyone is born with guiding Spirits also known as a Power Animal or Totem that protects and shares power by increasing one’s physical energy and ability to resist disease, as well as increases one’s mental alertness and self-confidence. Power Animal Retrieval is about restoring power to the person who is suffering from power loss, thereby affecting change that allows for healing. Illness is a lack of power that was lost along the way. Loss of power could have resulted from divorce, accidents, surgery, abuse, the death of a loved one, or other traumatic circumstances that cause shock. Symptoms of power loss may include: chronic fatigue, chronic illness, depression, low self-esteem, fear, weakness, or on-going misfortune and problems.  Click here to book a session

House/Land Clearings-Soul Rescuer/Spirit Guide

A Shaman heals both the living and the deceased. The shaman performs a psychopomp ceremony and helps guide those who have died cross over to a comfortable and peaceful place. A shaman is able to walk between the worlds and escort the deceased souls from the Earth plane to the afterlife.  They provide safe passage to the other side. Shamans are also referred to as soul rescuer, death walker, or spirit guide.  The ceremony may also include clearing a home or land of spirits that are in a state of unrest.

You are in need of a house clearing if you have a sense that there may be spirits lingering in your home or you are afraid to be alone in your home.  Or your emotions could be affected by their presence. Do you feel restless or irritable? Do you hear sounds and can’t explain what’s causing them? Are your pets acting strange? Are you weak, tired, or maybe experiencing illness? If you answer yes to any of these you are in need of a housing clearing which will remove any ghosts/spirits or entities lingering in your home.  Click here to book a session

Shamanic Cord Detachment

A “Cord Detachment” process/ceremony allows for the energetic thread of old relationships, old ways of acting, reacting, and interacting to be removed. We are always moving towards becoming better, lighter and freer, and this process allows you to release what no longer serves you as you birth into becoming more of who you truly are.

Energetic cords of attachment hold us down and zaps our energy. You may even be able to sense who your energy vampires are, draining and sucking your energy with just the mere thought of them.  These definitely need to be broken and removed before they manifest into something serious in the body.  Click here to book a session

Meet Your Power Animal(s) 

A Shaman takes you on a journey to meet your Power Animal(s) which is the deepest reflection of yourself.  Your Power Animal chooses you and is part of you. It represents qualities that you have or need in your life.  Click here to book a session

Meet Your Higher Self 

Your Higher Self is you, the real you, the total you that resides in the ether but is still connected to you. Your Higher Self is the one that is in possession of your spiritual contract, your life plan. Click here to book a session

Access Your Akashic Records 

Akashic records are the record of your soul’s journey from the time you first arose from Source, all your thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds from each lifetime. Access your Akashic records to heal and clear your emotional pain.  Click here to book a session

Meet and Nurture Your Inner Child 

Your inner child needs to be loved, feel accepted, safe, nourished, and supported. Journey to meet and nurture your inner child. Replace negative thought patterns and behaviours with healthier ones that instill peace, love, and happiness in your life.  Click here to book a session

Sacred Geometry and Chakra Balancing 

Sacred geometry is the language of the universe. Sacred Geometry contains powerful healing energies to balance chakras and carry you to higher levels of consciousness. Click here to book a session

Grounding and What’s True to You 

Grounding is also known as Earthing.  Learn how to connect with the electrons stored in Mother Earth which is just like taking antioxidants when you do.  Grounding brings the body into a calm state and reduces inflammation which can result in to disease if it were to remain in the body.  Click here to book a session

 Meet Your Inner Shaman 

Journey to meet your inner shaman. Receive guidance in how you can remove any obstacles from any past life traumas and any fears that may have prevented you from becoming a shaman.  Click here to book a session

Dream Interpretation 

Your dream mind has access to important information that is specifically designed for you and is trying to communicate to you. Understand the symbolic language coming through from your dream scape which will then help you take steps towards healing your life. Click here to book a session

Shamanic and Crystal Healing should be used with the understanding that it is part of a holistic health-giving plan. It’s not meant to take the place of conventional medical or psychological treatment, but to enhance it and perform along with it to bring about balance and harmony in the mind, body, and spirit of the client.