The Healing Power of Dreams

My dreams were instrumental in encouraging me to continue on my quest, guiding me along and giving me validations when feeling doubtful. By going deeper into that place within, I was able to find inner peace and discover the diamonds in the treasure chest of my soul. Through dreaming, journaling and analyzing, I was able to fully understand my soul’s purpose and I was able to find forgiveness where I thought none was needed.

To learn more about dreams and how they can heal your life click links below to order your copy of my book “The Healing Power of Dreams; A Spiritual Process of Opening, Unfolding, and Evolving”.

This book is about my journey of self-discovery. It is through this book that I hope to inspire you to find your inner wealth, to discover who you are truly meant to be. Through your journey of self-discovery, may you inspire others to find their inner wealth as well.

Your dream mind has access to important information that is specifically designed for you, information that you are looking for, questions that you are asking yourself.  Within my book “The Healing Power of Dreams: A Spiritual Process of Opening, Unfolding, and Evolving” are tips and suggestions to assist you in achieving dream recall so you can receive vital information, solve conflicts, and heal your life.  As you continue to recall your dreams not only will answers be revealed to you but you will learn more about yourself, your aspirations, your dreams, and your desires.  What a wonderful life it can be!

As you open your heart to heal your life, life itself begins to unfold exposing more aspects of you that you didn’t know existed.  When you unlock the immense power of love within you, you begin to evolve into more of who you were truly meant to be, a great magnificent being.


Click below to hear how powerful DREAMS really are!

Barbara Smith BNV Interview

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Click here to see Common Dreams

Do you have a Dream you want analyzed?

If you have a dream you’d like analyzed by me, go to book-a-session .  My fee for a dream analysis is $85.00.  I will provide you with a detailed report of your dream and the messages that are being conveyed to you once I receive your payment.  The more aspects of your dream that you list, the more accurate your dream analysis will be.  Once you receive your analysis you’ll be able to see the parallels in your life, the situations you are experiencing reflected back in your dreamscape and offering you answers or solutions.

What are DREAMS ?

Dreams are messages waiting to be deciphered. Dreams provide a road map or a route to the inaccessible regions in your mind, otherwise known as the unconscious, and our unconsciousness expresses itself through symbolic language in our dream scape.  These symbols and messages give insight and guide us in our waking life, assisting us through various situations or conflicts that we may be experiencing. A dream can give you courage and confidence to face your fear and to confront your issues or struggles head on. Your dream is your message. It is unique to you and reflects any struggles or challenges that you may be facing in your life. Your dreams encapsulate your perception, your feelings, and your thoughts.

Your dream mind has access to important information that is specifically designed for you, information that you are looking for, questions that you are asking yourself. As you continue to recall your dreams not only will answers be revealed to you but you will learn more about yourself, your aspirations, your dreams, and your desires. As you open your heart to heal your life, life itself begins to unfold exposing more aspects of you that you didn’t know existed. When you unlock the immense power of love within you, you begin to evolve into more of who you were truly meant to be, a great magnificent being.

Every aspect of your dream is important and valuable, even if it may seem minute and insignificant at the time. Strong and insightful messages come through while dreaming, in your dream state. Various symbols or images may trigger a feeling or a memory.  Pick things apart in your dream one item at a time, one color at a time.  List out every detail, where were you, who was there, what did you see, and what were the colors.  Did you hear conversations, was there a song going through your head just before you woke, and most importantly how did you feel during the dream, and how did you feel when you woke.

How to Use your Dreams to Heal your Life

When analyzing your dreams you can better understand your life and learn how to overcome some of life’s struggles or challenges.  You could have some sort of struggle or conflict going on in your life and it can be resolved through dreams.  As you continue to recall your dreams not only will answers be revealed to you but you will learn more about yourself, your aspirations, your dreams, and your desires.

Through dreams you can access higher wisdom; higher aspects of yourself; qualities and aspects of yourself that you didn’t know existed. You can transform and heal your life through analyzing and understanding your dream messages.   In the dream state you have access to significant information that may not be available to you when awake. Your dream is much like a window, an opening to your subconscious which can reveal to you answers and your secret desires.   You may not even realize how you truly feel about something until you experience it in your dream state. By tapping into this window of clarity, you can gain relevant knowledge and wisdom and discover more aspects of yourself.

When you are open to receive messages through your dreams, you can heal and transform your life in many ways.   As you do your life begins to unfold, exposing more aspects of you that you didn’t know existed, and as a result you begin evolving as a spiritual being, your true-self, and your soul’s purpose will then be revealed to you.

Tips on Dream Recall

  1. Keep a notebook or a journal by your bed ready to write down your thoughts and feelings.
  2. When you wake, do not move. Lay there and think about the dream, let it sink in.
  3. Write down your dream before it all starts to fade away even if it’s only 3am. You may think that you’ll be able to remember it in the morning but it will more than likely all fade away before you get up in the morning. Write down every detail, where were you, who was there, what did you see, what were the colors, did you hear conversations, was there a song going through your head just before you woke, and most importantly how did you feel during the dream, and how did you feel when you woke.
  4. If you are not able to articulate your dream, draw the image of what you saw.
  5. Date your journal entry, and give it a title.
  6. Think of how this dream relates to an experience or a situation in your waking life. Can you see parallels? If so, make notation of that.
  7. Reference your favourite source of dream interpretation and start analyzing your dream.

Now the fun begins, start analyzing your dreams so you can better understand your life and how to overcome some of life’s struggles or challenges. Pick things apart in your dream one item at a time, one color at a time, and then bring it all in together and summarize what you think the dream means to you. If you hear songs playing in your head just before waking, look up the lyrics of that song and analyze that.

Click here to see Common Dreams

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