Are you Stuck?

Are you Stuck?

Ask yourself this, “Where are you?” “Where are your thoughts?” “What are you feeling when you are thinking that thought?” “Are your thoughts holding you in the past?” “Does it feel like it’s ground hog day for you over and over again?”

You know where you want to go but for some reason you just can’t get there. You are stuck and the same situations keep appearing in your life. There is a reason for that. Perhaps you want to move on to that ideal job or heal a current relationship. You want to be appreciated, and feel great satisfaction but you are stuck and that same scenario keeps repeating itself. It feels like life itself is not moving forward for you. You yourself are holding you back. You are stuck in the past or in the old patterns of thinking.

Do the same things keep happening and you just can’t move past it? Ask yourself, what are you thinking when you think about that new perfect job or that love-filled relationship you are longing for? Seriously, take a look at your thoughts. Are you thinking “I don’t want another job or relationship like the one I just suffered through?” “I don’t want another boss or co-workers like that”. “I deserve to be respected”. “I demand respect.”

Well guess what, you are going to keep getting that which you think in your mind, that which you don’t want. Energy flows to where your thoughts go. So where are you in your thoughts? You are attracting the very thing that you don’t want by having those thoughts. But more importantly are the feelings and emotions that go along with those thoughts. So ask yourself what are you feeling when you are thinking those thoughts. I bet you are enraged, hurt, or angry. You know you deserve better and you may even try to demand respect from others. That won’t happen either because of the emotional energy around your thought. The emotional charge is more powerful than the thought itself. Are you getting one of those aha moments right now? Hopefully you are.

So if we are creating our futures based on our emotions, then we better get them in check. We need to feel the feelings that we want our future to be. Some will say you have to fake it until you make it because they just can’t imagine those uplifting feelings yet. If that’s what you need to do to initiate those feelings, then I say let’s get the ball rolling and start walking your path to your new future of love and peace.

So let’s begin. Think about what you want your future to be. Focus on the feelings you want to feel starting right now. Feel the peace, joy, and abundance that comes with that thought. Your thought is the seed that’s planted and the emotional charge is what creates the manifestation. So start by changing your thoughts, one thought at a time. Feel the feeling of being what you want and voila your life will start to change. You’ll be amazed at how quickly things will begin to change in your life.

You’ll start to ask yourself questions like, why didn’t I know this before? Don’t beat yourself up about it. Life has a way of presenting things to us when we are ready to see them. I like to call this Divine Timing. You didn’t see this before because you weren’t ready to make the changes in your life at that time.

You are reading this message today because you are ready to make thoscontinue necessary changes in your life. Today is the day where you can start to make things happen. This is your time. You can make it happen with your thoughts and your feelings. You can change your life by taking it one step at time, one thought at a time, one feeling at a time. Don’t worry if you slip up and revert back to your old way of thinking. Just acknowledge that it happened, and move on by continually retraining your brain to think of things in a positive and uplifting way.
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When you think about that perfect job for example, don’t be so specific that you are envisioning yourself at a certain company or location, just see yourself doing what you love, perhaps helping people with the skills and the education you have received, and feel that amazing feeling of being in your SWEET spot. If you can do this, it can’t help but happen.

Life will always continue to bring forth more challenges but the key is the see these challenges as blessings and when you do you can quickly transform your life. These challenges are brought before you to push you out of your comfort zone and in the process you experience more soul growth. You begin to discover more of who you truly are. Your true authentic self will begin to be revealed to you. When you see these challenges as blessings and are truly grateful for the experience, it’s almost as though every negative thought you had around the situation immediately dissolves away.

It really works. If you try to think of that challenge and the way that it use to make you feel, it’s a though it has vanished you can’t find it in your memory bank. That negative feeling around that situation is completely gone. What you have done is alchemy. You have turned straw into gold.

I think once you start using these tools, tools that you already know but sometimes we just need gentle reminders, you will completely heal and transform your life. So I welcome you to become unstuck, embrace new challenges, and watch your beautiful soul grow. That is our purpose here on Earth.

Let the adventures begin!

Sending Love and Blessings,
